17 July 2013

A Splash of Summer

Guess what?! We have a new, BIG swimming pool in the backyard now!
It's wonderful. I think we've used it every day since setting it up. Thanks, Papa!

Papa set up a "jumping board" (it's two shallow to dive).

The two little girls spend the most time in the pool - hours each day.

Cuties. I love them.

Touille! (I still get a kick out of the fact that we etched "Touille Hall" on
her tag. The resemblance does not readily present itself, apparently.)

Daniel's botanical beauties: Hibiscus and Bellflower

Winsome patio decorations from Nikkia's birthday celebration.

Time for a rest on the hammock.

I love this girl.

03 July 2013

Six Month Update

My goodness! It has been six months since I last posted here on the family blog. To those who have not been following the periodic post of a family picture on Facebook, be reassured: we do still exist.
UWM poster featuring Nikkia

School is out with two Hall graduates this year. Nikkia graduated with her master's degree in Violin Pedagogy from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (her senior recital was beautiful), and Amanda graduated from high school as the fifth graduate of Heritage Halls Academy. We nearly had three graduates in one spring, as I have only an Elementary Greek class to take before I earn my associate's degree at Bethlehem College.

What have we been up to aside from all the study? Well, there has been a ski trip to Lutsen with friends from church...
Lutsen Ski Trip (January, 2013)

...and a trip to Lily Bay by the three older girls and their beaus for a lovely visit with Papa and Dama.
Jessimine & Mike, Nikkia & Jordan, me & Daniel at Lily Bay

There have been ballets...
After Amanda's performance with Ballet Royale: Cinderella 1944 - A Love Story

...and, of course, there has been the start of summer, with all its accompanying ventures.

A few other happenings to note are these...Mom is presently in California, visiting her sister and having way too much fun; and, Stefan and Sarah just moved into their first house and are expecting their first baby...a boy! =) God is good and life is sweet. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying summer!