The nostalgia of Christmas is surprising strong for me this year. I've been almost giddy seeing the lights on trees in the parks downtown and on every bedazzled home. Still, I can't help thinking, even as my mind looks back in time and lingers over the glory of God in the manger, the best is yet to come.
Our pastor's wife is in the hospital tonight. She's fighting a cancer that has all but taken its final toll on her weak frame. It's a cancer that may very well overcome her body, but it is not a cancer that can overcome her soul. Jesus is her King, and He is reigning in her tonight. Jesus is her Emmanuel. God is with her. For her family's sake and ours, we are praying she will "gain His everlasting hall" at a later time. Not yet, Lord. We love her so. But Christ be praised that it is not a matter of whether she will go to be with God, but of when. Rejoice with me, saints: the best is yet to come.
Good Christian men, rejoice
With heart and soul and voice.
Now ye need not fear the grave:
Peace! Peace!
Jesus Christ was born to save.
Calls you one and calls you all
To gain His everlasting hall.
Christ was born to save,
Christ was born to save.
(Latin Carol)
Our pastor's wife is in the hospital tonight. She's fighting a cancer that has all but taken its final toll on her weak frame. It's a cancer that may very well overcome her body, but it is not a cancer that can overcome her soul. Jesus is her King, and He is reigning in her tonight. Jesus is her Emmanuel. God is with her. For her family's sake and ours, we are praying she will "gain His everlasting hall" at a later time. Not yet, Lord. We love her so. But Christ be praised that it is not a matter of whether she will go to be with God, but of when. Rejoice with me, saints: the best is yet to come.
Now ye need not fear the grave:
Peace! Peace!
Jesus Christ was born to save.
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