A sampling of our Christmas in eight, non-sequential days...
Day One: it's time to trim the tree, unearthed from the basement and pre-
decked with lights. Ornament by familiar ornament, the pretty sight unfolds.
Task complete, it's time to become laughing, wrestling midgets, of course.
Day Two: preparing for a family Christmas performance in Richfield.
Jonathan and Ana on the piano: "Jingle Bells" with
energy and precision. They do such a good job of it!
Day Three: making a gingerbread house from PapaDama & Dama!
Day Four: smoking fresh bacon in Papa's home-made smoker.
Day Five: ballet with Ana & Rebecca.
Day Six: on December 23rd, Friday evening, we had a small gathering of family
and friends for hors d'oeuvres, visiting, and singing. "I'm Dreaming Of A White
Christmas" (we were not to have one), "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire"
and "O Holy Night" - it's interesting how the familiar can bring such comfort.
and friends for hors d'oeuvres, visiting, and singing. "I'm Dreaming Of A White
Christmas" (we were not to have one), "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire"
and "O Holy Night" - it's interesting how the familiar can bring such comfort.
When all but one of our guests had said goodbye, we settled in the living room
for a family tradition: a read-aloud of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
"'And, lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them,' Mother went on,
'and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and--'
'Shazam!' Gladys yelled, flinging her arms out and smacking the kid next to her. ...
'Out of the black night with horrible vengeance, the Mighty Marvo--'"
~ ~ ~
Day Seven: it's Christmas Eve Day, and the house is a-buzz with preparations for
our grandparents' visit and royal feasting. With China dishes in place settings equal
measures apart, the table is spread when Perfectionism consults Emily Post.
measures apart, the table is spread when Perfectionism consults Emily Post.
The guests arrive and the meal commences...
Two steaming main course selections: Wild Rice Soup and Oyster Stew.
Ana finds she is not fond of Oyster Stew...
I love Dama's expression in this next picture...
...and the boys' in this...

After the Christmas Eve service at church, where us girls sang "Mary
Did You Know" and the whole congregation sang "Silent Night" with
candles in cupped hands, we returned home to give gifts and play more
music. Daniel gave PDP and Dama a 3D topographical wall map of Lily
Bay that he made with quarter-inch foam-board and a Dremel tool.
Did You Know" and the whole congregation sang "Silent Night" with
candles in cupped hands, we returned home to give gifts and play more
music. Daniel gave PDP and Dama a 3D topographical wall map of Lily
Bay that he made with quarter-inch foam-board and a Dremel tool.

Sarah came over too, and as the night waned, we opened our stockings.
Becca found stockings in her stocking! :) (Her black nose is the remains of a
sheep get-up she wore to create a nativity scene with Jonathan and Ana.)
sheep get-up she wore to create a nativity scene with Jonathan and Ana.)
Day Eight: Christmas morning was spent at church and then at home, opening presents, laughing, and enjoying the beautiful gift of each other's company.
We hope you had a Merry Christmas! HAPPY 2012!