Meet "Touille," our Rat Terrier puppy from our good friends the Bruggenthies! She's a ball of energy,
always excited to play with you = jump on you, climb on your lap, lick your hands and face, etc. She has
a sweet disposition and when she finally tires loves to cuddle up on a lap and fall asleep. She is so
different from our beloved and bygone yellow lab, Babe, but she already seems to fit our family well, and
we are enjoying her. (Even when she "goes" on the carpet, it's difficult not to like the little pup.)
Papa built us a hawk block this fall, and we've been since honing our tomahawk- and knife-throwing
skills, competing with family and friends. Our apple yield this year was a big one, with one of our honey-crisp
trees bearing far more than the rest. We've given some away and have made apple crisp and lots of apple juice.

What the wild grapes over our backyard patio look like now.

Jonathan, tending a "working fire" (as Papa calls the blaze that's for burning scrap wood or brush).
Helping in the kitchen.... On the menu: Greek salad!
Mom and I saw these little acorn treats at Dunn Bros (they were being sold for $0.25 a piece) and decided to do
them ourselves and improve on the process. The original idea was to glue the Nutter Butter cookie to the Hershey's
kiss with chocolate frosting, but we figured melting the chocolate and sticking it directly would be more efficient.
We used a candle for melting the underside of the kiss, and it worked perfectly.
Rebecca has taken up medical practice lately, most notably, dental work (but heart and eye examinations too). She uses
a pencil as a scraper/pick and reaches carefully into the mouth of any willing sibling or parent, usually targeting the molars.
What about you? Need a check-up? :)
So thankful for my little siblings...